Sunday, December 5, 2010



          The advancement in civilization really shows in today's generation. Different things were modernized making it more sophisticated than ever but its development doesn't end there. For sure in the next generations things will be more advanced than what we expect.
          I can say that our civilization is still half-way to its maximum level because many things are still to be discovered and made. Upgrades in different gadgets, appliances and even the discovery of important things are still expected in the coming generations. So for me it's very clear that what we have now will definitely be obsolete and outdated in the near future even though for now we refer these things as the best and the latest and that's because of the fast-changing world.
          Indeed, we have come far in our civilization because looking back to the past we can really say that things improved significantly. But we should come to think that advancements made in our civilization had been advantageous and disadvantageous. Advantageous in a way that these things made our life easier. For instance, through cellphones we can communicate with our families and friends. Disadvantageous in a way that cellphones can sometimes lead us to perform poorly in class.
          Above all these things, though were not in the civilization in its fullest, we must be thankful that we have come this far. Things were made that are significant in our living especially in the field of medicine like the discovery of medicines for treating certain diseases. Through those things, our life became easier. It gives us longer life and makes us comfortable with our life. Changes and advancement may be present today but there are still plenty of things we need to change, solve, and discover for us and our civilization to reach its extent.

Monday, October 11, 2010


                      Greece having eighty percent (80%) of its land as mountainous, limiting transportation and communication didn't hinder the people to rise in power and to excel in different fields instead they were able to discover things that are essential to us. It includes the greatest advances in mathematics like the geometry theories by Euclid, the calculation of he value of pi (the ratio of circumference of a circle to is diameter) by Archimedes and the relationship between the lengths of the sides of a right triangle known as Pythagorean Theorem by Pythagoras, the invention of different machines and the discovery of the pulse and nervous system. Philosophies like Stoicism were also founded.
                        These and more greatly helped humanity. It made life easier. Because of these discoveries, we were able to appreciate the beauty and significance of every single thing in this world.It made us realize that we can't just limit our knowledge about something for us to contribute for our community. Generally speaking, the advancements made by the Greeks in different fields like mathematics, philosophies, architecture, literature, and drama plays an important role in the lives of people in the present generation. For instance, as third year students, we are studying geometry, if the Greeks haven't developed things in the field of mathematics especially geometry we will not have any knowledge about angles, triangles, polygons and the like. In literature and dramas, like Homer's epics The Iliad and The Odyssey, which became Greece's most famous literature that were admired by other civilizations. If the works of authors and poets like Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides ans Aristophanes did not exist, we will not be able to experience beauty in writing. 
                            Today's men should value their works of art through taking care and preserving the living legacies of Greece.
                            All of these are enough to thank the Greeks for their great contributions for the betterment not only of their civilization but also all of the world's civilizations. Studying their civilization is indeed one way of thanking them for what they have done.   
 Sources: Microsoft Encarta
                Turning Points III (World History)